Undoubtedly, the SMC would have preferred a quiet, carefully controlled plebiscite, or more simply, a constitution octroyee which outlawed political parties and permitted, if the SMC thought it necessary, a reversion to full military control. As previous Ghanaian regimes have discovered to their peril, however, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to prevent Ghanaians from openly and forcefully expressing themselves on important political issues. Thus, it was also not surprising that the decision to conduct a referendum released forces pent-up since the NRC took power in 1972.
He brooded for an hour, gasping for breath. Marcella felt worn outmentally and physically. Her eyes ached for want of sleep, she felt theoppression and burden of the atmosphere that seemed full of ghosts andfears, and to add to her misery she was having her first taste of painin a crazing attack of neuralgia. Anniversaries, to a mind stored withlegend and superstition, have immense signification. She felt that herfather's prediction of his death on All Souls' Day was quite reasonable.But none the less fear was penetrating through her mists of wearinessand fatalism, hand in hand with overwhelming pity.
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She knew nothing about hospitals, had never seen one in her life; hecalled most things by their bewildering technical names and she listenedrespectfully as a layman will always listen to technicalities. She didnot know that the whole thing was a fabrication; in spite of his warningabout his lying she had naturally thought that, if he should lie to herat all it would be about drinking and not about everyday affairs. Andhe, carried away by his imagination and his desire to impress her,scarcely realized what he was doing.
That conveyed nothing to Marcella. She was watching a German bandcomposed of very fat, pink Germans who, on their way to their nightlystreet playing outside various theatres and restaurants, had noticed thegroup and scented a wedding. They began by playing the "Marseillaise"and made her laugh by the extreme earnestness of their expression; thenthey played the Lohengrin "Bridal March" and had only just reached thetenth bar when the chapel door opened with a tremendous squeaking andcreaking. The conductor paused with his baton in mid beat and his mouthwide open as he saw his audience melting away inside the door. Marcella,laughing almost hysterically, whispered to Louis:
And the "poor weak woman" lay at his side, staring at the stars witheyes that held bigger worlds than they. After the heat of the day to liehere in the coolness, with the night breeze fanning her hair, ticklingher bare feet and arms, was very delightful. Several times she pressedher hands tight down on the mattress and once she pinched herself. Sheseemed, in her exhilaration, to be losing weight; she would not havebeen surprised, if she had found herself floating away to have a real,close-hand look at the Southern Cross. She had no idea what was going onin Louis's mind. No kindly angel whispered to her that she should go in,now, for "swounds and vapours," and thus bolster up the protectivenessthat had come to birth within him that night. She knew nothing of"swounds and vapours." The rather hard women on Lashnagar were never illand weak until they were ready to drop into death. Aunt Janet had neverbeen weak save in the matter of the acid drops. She certainly feltthrilled rather than weak. She had something of contempt for theweakness of women. She was very fond of Mrs. King, but her constantcomplaints about Mr. King's badness and her aching back did not seem toMarcella to be quite playing the game. Mrs. King had solemnly advisedher, several times, to make Louis think she was not well. When she hadseen her carrying pails of coal quite easily up the stairs she had said,with a shudder: 2ff7e9595c