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WordPress Twenty Eleven Page with Sidebar: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

@Dc: Yes, you can use a main menu on the side. Go to Appearance -> Menus and create a new menu (give it a name and click save). You can now add the pages you would like to show, save again.Than go to Appearance -> Widgets -> Drag a Custom Menu widget to sidebar and you are ready to go.

Hi, I have two questions that I hope you can help me with.1. I would like to have less space in the header above the picture, where do I change this2. On each page, I would like to keep the page name as it appears, but I think both the font size is too big and the space it akes up is far too much so I would like get the content closer to the menu/picture in the header

How to Put a Sidebar on a WordPress Twenty Eleven Page Like This One – UPDATED

Hi, I posted two days ago, but it seems that my post did not get through, or does it only show after first reply?Anyway. I have two things that I would like to see if you can help me with.1. The space above the header picture is to much, can you tell me where I can adjust the hight of that area?2. I would like to keep the name of the page on each page, before the actual body appears. But here as well, I think it takes up too much space. So also here I am looking for the way to adjust both the font size and the height of this area before the actual content starts.As I have started, maybee you can tell me if it is possible to let the page name appear on the top of the page only in some cases, so some pages would have this on top of it

@Martina: Sorry for the late response, been out of the country for some work with very limited Internet access :-(. Good to see that you found the way to change the link color. According to the support site for this plugin you need to ad the widgets / sidebar to the default page / post template. That means you will always have a standard sidebar. If you place the widget on that standard sidebar it will show also on the event details page. Hope that helps.

Hi Herbert, thanks for the info and the theme extension does help but when I placed the widget to the main sidebar it covered up the page content. How can we resolve this issue so that the widget will not cover the page content. Please advise, thanks for your time and help.

@Jay: The easiest way is to use the -twenty-eleven-child-theme/ theme as child theme for TWenty Eleven. Once installed you have a tab in the Appearance -> Theme Options called NomNom Options. You can set the header / featured images size and have thumbnail images on your frontpage and archives.

Doing that will have them showcased like the picture you see above. By default, 2011 will leave off the sidebar on posts and pages so that your content is the main focus; to have a sidebar displayed on either on of these, you can use the Sidebar Template and you can choose what side it goes on via the WP Customizer.

Each sidebar have its own unique id. If widgets and sidebars are enabled in your theme, then default 'widgets' panel would be created by Wordpress on customizer screen. Then for each sidebar would be created section placed in 'widgets' panel. That section has id based on sidebar id. And that id looks like this

I want to have the blog categories show on the blog page so was planning to put the categories widget on a sidebar created using widgets on pages plugin. Completed the steps for that but no sidebar. Completed the steps here and no sidebar. I dont have the layout options available when creating a page and cant figure out why, is this because of the theme im using?

I am having the same issue. Or maybe not. I am not sure where I should call the function. I am using template intrepidity. I see the php file in my template and the widget on my widget page, but when i try passing info into it it does not show. Ideally would like the sidebar to show up in the header of the page.

A page is what most folks may be more familiar with. This is a static space that is not part of the chronological logic (try saying that five times fast) of the blog. A page sits outside of this inverted time line, and often features more static content like information about the site, the author, a syllabus, readings, etc.

To make your front page a static page rather than a blog you need to create a static page that you would like as your front page. Then go into the Options tab and then click on the Reading subtab. Once you do this you will see the following:

Missing anything in WordPress get us into trouble for hours and this waste time of bloggers.I once faced this kind of problem.I still remember when my text editor is gone and also widgets from sidebar that time i was new to wordpress so getting this thing became so tough for me but now as publishers like elegant theme and other provides how to fix and get ride of small problems in wordpress and save our time from doing unproductive job.

After some inspection (which is out of scope of this tutorial), it turns out we need to remove the classes .page-one-column and .page-two-column from the element, and add the class .has-sidebar instead. Go ahead and add the following code in your functions.php file:

The next method that you can follow to create a sidebar in WordPress is by using a custom sidebar WordPress plugin. Again, like the previous method you should use a theme with a sidebar option to use this method. After that, you need to follow some steps. 2ff7e9595c

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